Mindless Meals (when you’re too tired for anything!)

The kiddies are all back to school, and after a summer where the routine was willy-nilly at best, here you are facing the rush of homework, piano lessons, laundry and everything else that goes along with the onset of the new school year. It’s going to happen plenty of times where you’ll be faced with […]

School House Crock

Lately, everyone is talking about the “s word” … You know, school! Whether your kiddos are going traditional, online, or homeschooling, you need to get a nutritious meal on the table for those upcoming school nights. I’ve often talked about how our freezer meals can help you do just that! But if you can’t see […]

10 foods you should never eat

Would you be shocked to learn that a number of foods sold in grocery stores across the United States have been banned in other countries across the world because of the harmful additives they contain? If you have any of the following ten foods in your home, I recommend you ditch them pronto. Foods processed […]

The 8 Best Alcohol Options When Dieting

Summer means cookouts and parties, weddings and reunions. And I have to tell you, I have been known to enjoy a cocktail at a party! (You too?) Now, we all know that alcohol is not the healthiest thing on the planet. You don’t need me to tell you that. However having an occasional cocktail or […]

Quick Paleo for School Nights

If you’ve adopted the Paleo lifestyle over the summer (maybe you did the 10-Day Blitz or 21 Day Knockout?), you might be panicking a little, wondering how you’re going to handle those chaotic evening meals that tend to take place when everyone’s back to school. Or maybe you’re considering hopping on that Paleo bandwagon now […]

Back to School : Operation Lunchbox!

I know I’m going to get a dirty look or two from y’all for bringing this up, but it’s time (or past time for some of you!) to start thinking about getting the kids ready to go back to school. With two children of my own, I am fully aware of how expensive it can […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: A Secret High Protein Source

If you’re a fan of Middle Eastern food, there’s a good chance you’ve eaten tahini at least once or twice. An essential ingredient in hummus, tahini is a paste made primarily with ground sesame seeds. In Middle Eastern countries, tahini is a common table ingredient. The flavor of tahini is similar to peanut butter, but […]

Too Many Tomatoes?

I’m expecting another bumper crop of tomatoes this year, and I know exactly what I’m going to do with my harvest. How about you? Do you know what to do with all of those excess tomatoes? If not, here are some ideas for what you can do when you find yourself with an abundance of […]