Clean out those condiments!

Spring is here and folks, it is time to clean! I’m not talking about the dust bunnies in the corners, either. I’m talking about those condiments that you have got to get rid of. It’s time to take stock of your pantry and toss the stuff you’ve had hanging around for way too long because, […]

Food For Thought: 40 healthy snacks for kids

I can’t tell you how much I detest those 100-calorie snack packs you find in grocery stores nowadays. Those packages are full of highly processed foods—heavy on sugar and chemicals. I know you would rather feed your child something nutritious, so I’m going to give you a list of easy snack ideas! Every one of […]

Food For Thought: Paleo Shmaleo – what is it all about?

If you have any interest in food and health at all (which you obviously do or you wouldn’t have found yourself here at Saving Dinner), then you’ve been hearing the word “Paleo” being tossed around a lot. You may even associate the term with an extreme way of eating, much like the low-carb Atkins diet. […]

Food For Thought: Keep your cool with these meat storage tips

Hello Friends, I got some great feedback on a post I shared recently about how to maximize the life of your produce by learning where to store it in the fridge. So, I thought it would be a great idea to expand on that theme a bit by talking about how long you should be […]

Food For Thought: Feel fine with Iodine

Iodine has come up from time to time in articles I’ve shared here, and today I’m going to really dig into why we need it. Now, as far as minerals go, iodine isn’t the most popular kid on the bus, but that doesn’t mean it’s not essential for our bodies to function properly. We need […]

Quinoa – what’s the scoop?

Everyone is so wild over quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) these days that you’d think it had just been invented. But this ancient grain (which is actually a seed, though it’s treated as a grain) has been around for thousands of years. Grown in the mountain regions of South America, quinoa has been a staple there for […]

Food For Thought: The great grains debate

Whole grains, organic grains, gluten-free grains . . . there’s so much talk about grains these days and whether they’re good for you or not. I’m definitely in the camp of “grains are not good for you” when it comes to grains of all kinds. (Note: quinoa is not a grain-it’s a seed and there’s […]

Food For Thought: Boost your own progesterone

Progesterone is one of a group of steroid hormones in our bodies known as progestogens. In women, progesterone is released into the body by the remains of an unfertilized egg following ovulation. If that egg happened to be fertilized, progesterone would help get the womb ready for a baby. Men also have progesterone in their […]

Food For Thought: The 411 on Vitamin B12

If you haven’t been thinking clearly lately or if you’ve been feeling less energetic than usual, you might be lacking in Vitamin B12. Like most vitamins, we need B12 for our bodies to function properly. It’s required for the replication of DNA, to manufacture myelin (that’s the material that helps speed along neural transmission), and […]