Teach your kids to make a smoothie

There are few skills more important for your children to learn than those that will empower them to feed themselves for the rest of their lives. Think about it. Over the course of your life, what will you spend more time doing than planning for, shopping for, preparing, and eating food? The only thing I […]

Which phenol-packed fruit is related to the almond

You probably already know that plums are related to peaches and nectarines but did you know they are also a relative of the almond? It’s true! Plums are small-stone fruits with a tart, sweet taste. This family of fruits is considered “drupes,” and they all have one thing in common: they have hard stone pits […]

Want pretty skin, less fat & lean muscles?

Including a scoop of protein powder in your daily diet can boost your immune system and promote healthy skin while improving muscle strength and muscle development (and no, you won’t look grotesque like a bodybuilder on steroids!). Protein is required to regulate metabolism and hormones. Our muscles and tissues are built with protein and because […]

How to relieve bloat and fight cancer while freshening your breath

The cardamom plant has been made famous by its pungent little pods. Inside the thin papery coating of the cardamom pod is the plant’s small black seeds, which have a very spicy flavor, common in Indian cuisine. Besides being a tasty way to season your curry dishes, cardamom seeds have many medicinal properties. Digestion. Cardamom […]

Can vegetarians and Paleoistas co-exist in one cave?

When you make the decision to go Paleo, it could get complicated, especially if you have a vegetarian in your cave to feed. Speaking of caves–unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve probably heard of Paleo. Apparently eating the way humans have been eating for a bazillion years is now hot, LOL. (I think […]

Poisonous & good for you at the same time?

Those beautiful rosy pink stalks of rhubarb have shot up out of their usual spot in my garden and I am enjoying this wonderful spring fruit immensely! Rhubarb is one of the first perennial plants to poke through the earth in the spring and I absolutely adore it. Rhubarb grows in stalks and it looks […]

How to avoid going off track

It can happen to the best of us—a healthy eating regimen completely derails for whatever reason. Life is hard! Things happen. People get sick, work gets chaotic, and life just gets out of control from time to time, and with that, one of the first things to go by the wayside is often proper meal […]