Shout out for mung bean sprouts

Those long white bean sprouts you see in pad thai, chop suey and other Asian dishes are actually mung bean sprouts, and they grow from (you guessed it) mung bean seeds. Sprouts are essentially vegetable seeds that have just begun to grow and are the very symbol of life. Packed with life-giving enzymes and nutrition, […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Creamy, Delicious Coconut Butter

There are a lot of ways to use a coconut, let me tell you. I’ve written about coconut oil, coconut vinegar, coconut aminos, coconut milk, and so on and so forth! And today, we’re going to talk about coconut butter. You’re even going to get a trick, a tip, and a recipe to help you […]

Nuts over Coconut Vinegar

Several weeks ago, I wrote an article about white vinegar and how you must be very careful to find a source without GMOs. If you’ve been looking for a good alternative to white vinegar since then, you might be interested in trying coconut vinegar instead. Yes, coconut is the star of many a meal these […]

Let it grow!

I don’t know about y’all, but I just can’t wait to get out there in the garden, digging in the dirt! I’ve actually already started to plant some of my seeds inside so they’ll be ready to put in the ground in a couple of weeks. That’s right! Planting season is here and it’s time […]

Let Food be thy medicine

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” Hippocrates was a Greek physician thought to be one of the greatest of his time. He saw the connection between what we eat and don’t eat as having a profound effect on our overall health. Pretty timely and very consistent considering the man lived […]

Guide to Buying Grass-fed Beef

The “best” beef hands down, is grass-fed beef. It’s the best option for a couple of reasons: it’s better for the earth and it’s better for your health and well-being. It’s better for the earth because it produces better soil when you allow cattle to forage for their own food in a pasture, and improves […]

Why you should try to use organic food in your recipes

Around here you see a lot of articles and recipes calling for organic ingredients, you probably wonder why. Sometimes it is difficult to get organic ingredients so my feeling is that you should do your best to use the most naturally grown and prepared organic ingredients in all your dishes that you can reasonably accomplish […]

Make the decision: eat to live.

I often hear people talk about what they’re going to miss if they have to give up the grains in their diet. “I’ll miss my toast!” or “I’m going to miss my sandwiches for lunch.” Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, I encourage you to focus on what you CAN have! Like bacon […]

Five Egg-citing Dinner Ideas

You will never catch me without at least two dozen eggs in my fridge at any given time. Eggs are one of my favorite forms of protein. Not only are they cheap, versatile, quick-cooking, and full of nutrition, but they are also one of those delicious foods that you never tire of. Eggs are one […]