Tip, Trick & a Recipe: What common herb works for smoothies and tea?

Fresh mint is a common sight in the summertime and today you’re going to get a tip, a trick, and a recipe featuring this pretty little leaf! I have mint growing in my garden and let me tell you when you plant mint, you have mint for life! Really. Mint can take over so you […]

7 Time-Saving Dinner Shortcuts

Regardless of how you feel about cooking, nobody wants to be a slave to the kitchen. We are all so busy these days that we need as many shortcuts as we can possibly find for getting a good home-cooked meal on the table with the minimum amount of stress! It’s no good to find yourself […]

Want pretty skin, less fat & lean muscles?

Including a scoop of protein powder in your daily diet can boost your immune system and promote healthy skin while improving muscle strength and muscle development (and no, you won’t look grotesque like a bodybuilder on steroids!). Protein is required to regulate metabolism and hormones. Our muscles and tissues are built with protein and because […]

Can vegetarians and Paleoistas co-exist in one cave?

When you make the decision to go Paleo, it could get complicated, especially if you have a vegetarian in your cave to feed. Speaking of caves–unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ve probably heard of Paleo. Apparently eating the way humans have been eating for a bazillion years is now hot, LOL. (I think […]

How to avoid going off track

It can happen to the best of us—a healthy eating regimen completely derails for whatever reason. Life is hard! Things happen. People get sick, work gets chaotic, and life just gets out of control from time to time, and with that, one of the first things to go by the wayside is often proper meal […]

This fruit is actually a big berry! (and antioxidant rich!!)

If you were to name five tropical fruits, there’s a chance guava wouldn’t make your list. But this fruit, while quite obscure, is extremely nutritious. The guava is a large berry that grows on tropical evergreen shrubs and has a delicious sweet taste that gets more intense as you eat it. The taste of guava […]

10 ways to serve boneless chicken breasts for a quick and healthy dinner

Chicken breasts are a great starting point for a delicious and healthy meal. They’re a very lean source of protein and an excellent item to serve to your family on a regular basis. And I promise you that there’s an endless number of ways you can cook chicken breasts so that you don’t end up […]

Turkey talk

If you have a large family (or if you have teenagers in the house), roasting a turkey once a week is a great, inexpensive way to keep up with all those protein needs. That’s right . . . turkey does not have to be reserved for Thanksgiving! Think a whole turkey exceeds your needs? Portion […]