Kitchen Fire Prevention

A few years ago, a friend of mine (a young mother of two) had a terrifying moment in her kitchen. She’d turned on the water to boil a pot of eggs and went to change a diaper in the next room. She smelled something burning and ran to the kitchen to discover that a tea […]

6 Essentials for at Home Smoothies!

Smoothies? They’re fantastic. I drink one every single day. Smoothies can pack in a lot of nutrition when you don’t have a lot of time to make a full meal. Now, smoothie bars are popping up ALL over the place, but you can set up your very own smoothie bar at home for a mere […]

Too Many Tomatoes?

I’m expecting another bumper crop of tomatoes this year, and I know exactly what I’m going to do with my harvest. How about you? Do you know what to do with all of those excess tomatoes? If not, here are some ideas for what you can do when you find yourself with an abundance of […]

Top Ten Fibrous Foods

Boosting your intake of fiber in your diet should be tops on the list of anyone hoping to improve their nutritional profile and will absolutely keep you on a regular, first name basis with a certain porcelain object in your bathroom, if you know what I mean. This is important information for anyone hoping to […]

8 Quick Picks for Your Beach Picnic!

Oh lazy, hazy beach days. One of the most wonderful things about summer. And what’s a day at the beach without a cooler full of goodies? But one must be strategic when it comes to packing food for the beach. Because at the beach, there is sand. And hot sun. And wind. You want to […]

25 Farmer’s Market Buys – July 2015

This is one of my favorite months to visit the farmers market because all of the things I love (well, almost all of them!) are ripe for the picking. If you don’t know what’s freshest and in season right now, this guide will help. You’ll also get the low-down on why each food is good […]

16 Summer Salads

I make a meal out of a salad on a regular basis, but especially during the summer. It really is hard not to pile on the fresh vegetables when they’re in season. In case you’re short on salad inspiration, let me share some ideas for you for the summer. There are enough summer salad ideas […]

An apple (Cider Vinegar) a day keeps the doctor away?

Have you ever wondered where apple cider vinegar comes from? Well, it comes from fermented apple cider. When apple cider ferments, sugar in that cider gets broken down by yeast and bacteria into alcohol. From there, it gets broken into vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, to be exact! In my home, white vinegar is used primarily […]

5 Quick Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Budget

Navigating the grocery store in this day and age feels like tiptoeing around a minefield. With everything we’re hearing about GMOs, hormones, and chemicals in our foods, it makes you wonder if it’s safe to eat anything anymore. In a perfect world, we would all be able to buy everything fair trade, organic, and grass-fed, […]