Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Energy Foods

There is no doubt that good food can have a huge impact on your disposition. Not just in terms of overall health, but in your day-to-day activity levels. Like Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” The powerful nutrition available in good food can provide healing, improved well-being, and better […]

Green Smoothies

Arguably one of the most healthy drinks you can make is an organic green smoothie. A virtual green meal in a glass (if you add protein powder), green smoothies are simple to make, taste great, and pack a huge veggie punch.  If you find it hard to get your daily intake of veggies, this is […]

Get Out Those Blenders!


For years I’ve been making smoothies for breakfast as the ultimate ‘breakfast in a glass’. They’re fast and easy to make, offer a lot of nutrition, and really help start your day right. When I went to Ireland for two weeks, I was unable to have my go-to breakfast in a glass and felt somewhat […]

Snack Ideas

It’s getting close to that time of year when I invariably get the emails asking for snack ideas. It’s nearly summer. They’re coming home. They’ll be whining and they’ll be constantly hungry. So what’s a mom to do? Feed ‘em! Kids need snacks, but not constant grazing. You need to make sure the snacks are […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Coconut Milk

Coconut milk has been my new beverage of choice to add to my smoothies so I wanted to tell you a little bit about this fabulous food. First off, it’s fatty. Love that! But good fatty. It’s full of short and medium-chained fatty acids which get used, not stored, unlike long-chained fatty acids. Medium-chain fatty […]