Beautiful Me


Hello Lovely!

I am so glad you’re here!

This Beautiful Me planner is a celebration of the beautiful woman you are. I believe that YOU were created on purpose, for purpose, and that it is no coincidence that you are here on this Earth, today.

As women, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life.

We take care of those around us, but often neglect to take care of ourselves.

  • I don’t have time.
  • This person needs me.
  • Nobody helps me.

I hear you. I really do. And that’s why I am challenging you, for the next 12 weeks, to make yourself a priority.

Only 13 left in stock

Now, I’m not suggesting that you shirk your responsibilities at home to go to the day spa.

Quite the opposite! What I am saying is that there is a healthy balance between saying yes and not being able to say no; between doing things out of love and doing them out of obligation.

For the next 12 weeks, I want you to strive to find that balance.

See, when we take good care of ourselves, we are better able to serve and care for those around us. When we are well rested, we are able to be more patient; when we take care of our own health, we feel better and are able to be more present for those we love.

Each week there are Self Care Goals, and you can use these as you see fit. For example: the heart could represent something that makes you happy, something you could do for a person you love, or a heart rate goal while exercising. It’s entirely up to you, and your idea of self-care may be completely different from mine. That’s okay –there are no wrong answers here!

Use the journal prompts each week to do a deep dive into your beautiful self –rediscover who you are, what makes you happy, what makes you feel good.

Use the calendar to schedule your self-care, for reminders, or to help manage your time.

Again, this is personal and there is no right or wrong way to do it.

More than anything, I hope your Beautiful Me planner serves as a daily reminder that you are WORTHY, you are LOVED, and that you matter! I hope you enjoy using it! xo



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Beauty Support makes a huge difference. Be sure to take a picture of your face and watch how it changes. I am taking 2 a day. This is worth the money.
Susan W.
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