Mindful Mug



There’s mindlessness and there’s mindfulness.

They’re polar opposites of each other and when it comes to food, nutrition, and eating, mindlessness is basically autopilot, and being on autopilot is not where you want to be when it comes to nourishing your body.

Don’t get me wrong, autopilot is awesome for things like mundane tasks around the house or doing yard work, or chilling with some Netflix.

I promise you, I’m not very “mindful” when I’m cleaning the toilet!

According to Bruce Lipton, MD, author of the book The Biology of Belief, most of us live 95% of our lives in this mindless/autopilot way. It’s actually our subconscious and it controls our nervous system–either you’re controlling your consciousness or it’s on autopilot.

In other words, we get up, go through the day, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed.

Shampoo, rinse, repeat.

Until we have a moment…

Have you ever laid in bed thinking about your day and wondering where it all went?

Or have you ever eaten a meal and looked down at your plate and realized it was all gone without even tasting it?

For those of us who fight food addiction and/or eating too much and too fast, there’s a solution to not getting sucked into the mindlessness habit of overeating, or eating a bunch of crap that makes you feel bad and regret later…

It’s the Mindful Mug.

The Mindful Mug is a tool used as a touchpoint to help you to remember what you need to remember when you’re ready for a meal.

It’s a way to center yourself, breathe, think, and become aware and mindful of the meal you’re about to sit down to.

It gives you a moment of pause before sitting down to the table.

I recommend you fill it with some lovely warm bone broth and take a moment of gratitude for the meal you’re about to enjoy.

For me, it’s a moment to consider the plate itself–is there at least one thing green on my plate? How’s the portion size of the protein? Do I have everything I need to satisfy?

Then as we sit down to dinner, I’ll pace myself with my partner Mark who is a whole lot slower of an eater than I am. For whatever reason, I’ve always been a fast eater and I promise you, there’s nothing good about eating fast–it’s hard on your digestion, there’s very little enjoyment if you don’t linger over your plate and you’re more likely to keep eating past satisfied.

All of these micro-decisions are made at once with the adoption of the Mindful Mug before your meal –keeping you focused on the right things and keeping you safely away from the mindlessness that helps to put on the body clutter and feed the wrong hunger hormones!

Note: hand washing your Mindful Mug will help to keep it vibrant and beautiful, like you!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.