Dinner Diva: Quit stressing over dressing

You all know by now that I’m a big fan of salads. If you read any amount of my articles and if you cook from my books, you also know that I am not a big fan of commercial salad dressings. So what’s a Dinner Diva to do? Well, you can hardly eat a pile […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Olive Oil How-Tos

Here’s today’s TRICK: Have you ever spilled olive oil or any other kind of oil for that matter? What a mess! The way to clean it up easily is to sprinkle a thick layer of flour over the top and let the flour absorb the oil (usually takes a few minutes). Then use a brush […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Pineapple
Did you know that in the Philippines, the whole pineapple is eaten, including the leaves? Yep, lots of fiber y’all! This tropical fruit contains vitamin C, some B vitamins, a lot of natural sugar, and malic acid–this is what gives pineapple that sweet and sour taste. Thanks to Christopher Columbus and a handful of other […]