Chocolate Cherry Chip Smoothie

This recipe is also known as Leanne’s Favorite Smoothie 😊
Perfect Paleo Protein Chocolate Almond Bars

4 Sweet Benefits of Dark Chocolate

The love of my life made itself known when I was a mere child. A little tiny child. Young, vulnerable, happy, and yet missing something. What was it? Chocolate. That beautiful, silky, gorgeous experience of a food. Chocolate. OMGosh. Today, I’m talking specifically though, dark chocolate. Once upon a time, I was wildly in love […]
The Microplane: Leanne’s Kitchen Tool of the Month

What is a Microplane? It is like a tiny, little grater. And it is really fantastic because, it’s super sharp, and you can almost shave anything down with it. Here are a few things you can use on it: Garlic Radishes (Make a radish type of garnish for a plate or in a salad) Chocolate […]