How to Freeze Thanksgiving Ahead

Here is a question I received that I believed warranted answering for everyone— Hi- I LOVE “Saving Dinner”! My husband loves the food even more. Here is my question: how feasible is it to freeze any Thanksgiving side-dishes in advance (ie cranberry sauce, casseroles, even stuffing)? Thanks! I am busy with a new baby AND […]
Dinner Diva: School Night Supper Shortcuts

During the summer, meals tend to be a lot more relaxed than they are during the school year. That just tends to be the nature of the beast. With autumn comes routine, as those school days tend to add a lot of activities to the family calendar. Not only do you have to do all […]
6 Hot Tips To Avoid Freezer Burn
(and stop throwing away your $$)

Have you ever removed a tray of meat from the freezer only to find discoloration and ice crystals? If you’ve forgotten about a carton of ice cream in the freezer for any length of time, you may have opened it to find its surface covered in ice. Freezer burn, we tend to call it. Freezing […]
3 Ways To Get The Kids Involved In Freezer Meal Prep

As far as I’m concerned, basic kitchen skills are every bit as important to teach our children as are basic hygiene skills. We brush our teeth and wash our hands multiple times every day of our lives, and we also have to eat multiple times a day, every day of our lives. So, why is […]
How to optimize freezer space

If there’s an avalanche of food spilling out of the freezer compartment of your refrigerator every time you open it, or if stuff is buried so deep in your chest freezer that you’ve stopped even trying to search for things, it’s time to get your freezer situation under control! When your freezer is not organized […]
How to avoid going off track

It can happen to the best of us—a healthy eating regimen completely derails for whatever reason. Life is hard! Things happen. People get sick, work gets chaotic, and life just gets out of control from time to time, and with that, one of the first things to go by the wayside is often proper meal […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Parsley – Not Just Another Pretty Decoration

Parsley, the world’s most popular herb, is a common accompaniment to many dishes in the kitchen and is often used as a beautiful garnish. A rich source of antioxidants, vitamins C and A all of which are thought to reduce infection rates and keep you healthy. Replete with heart-healthy folic acid it is a great […]
Hot tips to avoid freezer burn

Have you ever removed a tray of meat from the freezer only to find discoloration and ice crystals? If you’ve forgotten about a carton of ice cream in the freezer for any length of time, you may have opened it to find its surface covered in ice. Freezer burn, we tend to call it. Freezing […]
If you can’t stand the heat, use your freezer!

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you are just plain fed up with feeding people. Meal planning, grocery shopping, chopping, peeling, roasting, boiling, eating, coercing the children into eating their vegetables, cleaning up the pots and pans only to do the exact same thing again tomorrow. Getting a nourishing meal on the table at the […]