Menu Plan for Pete’s Sake!

When you choose to not plan, you choose to live in an unprepared state. Think about what that means for a minute. Being unprepared means chaos, confusion and regret. Living life in a state of perpetual unpreparedness is highly stressful. Why do we do this to ourselves? In the kitchen and in the food department […]

Menu Planning

Buddy Hackett once said, “My mother’s menu consisted of two choices. Take it or leave it.” That’s what my mother’s menu consisted of, too. We had the choice of eating the dinner she prepared or leaving the table hungry. If we didn’t like what she prepared, we weren’t allowed to make ourselves a PB & […]

10 Food Budget Ideas

According to the USDA, the average American family of four is spending $80 a month more on groceries than they did a mere 3 years ago. For a lot of families, the upturn in grocery spending does not reflect an upturn in family income. Clearly, something has got to give! We’ve all noticed how much […]