Stone Fruit with Almond Hazelnut Chia Seed Brittle
and Vanilla Bean Coconut Cream
Late summer is code for: STONE FRUIT!!! This incredibly delicious recipe is layered in multiple textures, the perfect level of sweetness, and has the edge of refreshment necessarily during the warm summer days. The best part? It’s 100% Paleo-Approved! Subscribe to Dinner Answers today for more delicious Paleo recipes!
Peaches Galore
If you are lucky enough to have access to a peach tree, you might quickly find yourself surrounded by more peaches than you can realistically eat before they go bad. Here are a few ways to cook with peaches that you might not have thought of. One of nature’s best accomplishments in the summer, peaches […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: The Perfect Peach
Peaches are synonymous with summer. You see abundant peaches everywhere this time of year, in grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and local produce stands. Bag after bag spilling over with a plethora of sweet and fuzzy fruit. We only have a limited few weeks of this hot season to really enjoy peaches, so let’s take advantage […]