Salt – The Essence of Life
Most people are familiar with basic table salt, the type of salt that is most common in the U.S. It is white, has small granules, and seasons almost every kind of food we can think of when we sit down in a restaurant, too often before we even taste what the chef or cook has […]
Vanilla Bean & Sea Salt Roasted Almond Butter
Whether you’re going paleo, looking to cut out weird chemical additives, or just love simple homemade foods, this recipe’s for you! PS–You can receive delicious menus (complete with shopping lists!) like this delivered right to your email inbox by subscribing to Dinner Answers today!
DD – Fat, Sugar, & Salt
Dinner Diva Fat, Sugar, & Salt By Leanne Ely, CNC Fat, sugar and salt; the triple threat found in fast food, restaurant food, packaged food, frozen food, and even some foods we prepare ourselves. Our taste buds are so accustomed to the taste and feel of this combo, that we forget what real food is […]
Seasoned With Salt
You will notice in a lot of my recipes, I say “salt and pepper totaste” There is a reason for this—not because I’m trying to frustrate you! Salt should be added slowly and, depending on the recipes, in steps. That’s how the pros do it and it makes sense—this is how to get the best […]