5 Cool Meals for Hot Days

No matter where you are in the United States right now—and even Canada—, it is a hot summer. Temperatures are in the hundreds in many areas, and the humidity is reportedly high from friends of mine in parts of the continent where this type of weather is unheard of, even in the thick of summer. […]

8 Easy To Grow Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are easy to grow and offer so much nutritionally (and deliciously, too!) I thought I’d put together a little primer for you to get all you can from root vegetables including how easy they are to grow and how to prepare them! 1. Carrots. Perhaps the first food that comes to mind when […]

Get back to your roots: A Root Vegetable Primer

Root vegetables are easy to grow and offer so much nutritionally (and deliciously, too!) I thought I’d put together a little primer for you to get all you can from root vegetables including how easy they are to grow and how to prepare them! Carrots. Perhaps the first food that comes to mind when you […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Turnips

Turnips are white and purple vegetables that are about 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter and are part of the vegetable leaves known as turnip greens. They are high in vitamin C but are often overlooked today in the kitchen as a vegetable that is versatile and usable. Due to their mild, slightly sweet flavor, […]

4 tips to avoid going off track

It can happen to the best of us—a healthy eating regimen completely derails for whatever reason. Life is hard! Things happen. People get sick, work gets chaotic, life just gets out of control from time to time, and with that, one of the first things to go by the wayside is often proper meal prep. […]

My Top 4 Ways To Reduce Inflammation In Your Body

When most people think of inflammation, they think about swollen joints and arthritis. That said, limiting the amount of inflammation in your body might not be on your radar screen at all, especially if you don’t have joint problems. But inflammation is way more than arthritis and reducing the amount of inflammation your body encounters […]

How to best use your refrigerator

Chances are, you have a refrigerator in your home. But, if you’re like many people, you don’t put a lot of thought into the what-goes-where process when you get your groceries home from the market. There is a reason why your fridge has all of those drawers and shelves. Certain areas of your fridge have […]

Which tropical root is full of B-complex vitamins?

If you’ve been searching the Internet for recipes free of gluten, you have no doubt come upon the mention of arrowroot. Arrowroot is an easily digestible starch used in gluten-free cooking as a stabilizing and thickening ingredient. Arrowroot is grown primarily in the Caribbean Islands, the Philippines, and South America. As a fresh root, this […]

Tips for optimizing veggie intake on a budget

Very few of us manage to get in all of the vegetables we need every day for optimal health—at least 5-13 servings (about 6 cups) each day, a variety from each color group: dark greens (lettuce, kale, spinach), red and orange (sweet potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes), and “other” vegetables (cabbage, brussels sprouts, onions). In most cases, […]