How to Pamper Yourself on a Budget and Avoid Burnout


It’s Leanne here with exciting news.

But first, I want you to imagine something real quick.

Imagine an alternate universe where you have the time and money to afford an entire week of relaxation and pampering with healthy food, restorative exercise, meditation, spa treatments and deep, long sleep….

Would you do it?

(If you didn’t jump up and say Yes, I’m coming over to pinch you!)

Now, what if I told you that you don’t need to imagine an alternate universe where this could happen, because you can do it right now – even amidst the chaos of your daily life.

That might sound far-fetched to you, but believe me, it’s attainable. There IS a way to reap all the benefits of a relaxing, pampering spa getaway for MUCH less time and money than you think.

What I am getting at?

Here’s the big news (drum roll, please):

I’m thrilled to announce a BRAND NEW program that I’ve developed with my friend and partner in health JJ Virgin called the 7 Day Spa-cation.

This is a unique program designed specifically for YOU – the ultra busy superwoman on a budget who needs a BREAK! It came to be because we found ourselves asking:

How can we help the women in our lives — the harried moms/partners/professionals who desperately need to experience the peace, pleasure and ease of a spa vacation without breaking the bank?

What we came up with is a gift you can give yourself GUILT-FREE because it hardly costs anything and you do it at right at home – even while you continue with your daily work and family activities.

Curious? Learn more about the program and reserve your spot here.

And ladies, before I go, I want to whisper three little secrets into your ear:

1) You deserve “me time” and a little self-pampering.

2) When you take care of yourself, you give permission to your friends and family to take care of themselves too.

3) Between the very reasonable price of the program, the savings you’ll see in your grocery bill, and the luscious GLOW you’ll be exuding by the end of the 7 Day Spa-cation, you’re never going to regret your decision to join us.

Go check it out right now.


P.S. I know how hard it can be to do something that’s just for yourself and not your family. It seems selfish.

But the truth is that it’s the most UNSELFISH thing you can do because if you don’t reduce you stress and reconnect with your body, you’re going to get sick. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

And that will hurt your family, won’t it?

That’s why doing this program or something similar a few times a year is absolutely CRITICAL to your health and wellbeing. The worst thing that can happen to you is burnout, and that’s exactly what we’re trying to AVOID here.

So go on, at least take a peek!

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