Top Tips for Grilled Veggies and Fruits

I shared some tips with you a couple of weeks ago about grilling meats but there’s more to summer barbecue season than burgers and steaks! Why turn on the stove to cook your veggies when you have a perfectly good hot grill already prepped? Never mind the fact that grilled veggies and fruits taste like […]
Herbaliciousness! (I’ll explain…)

When I’m looking at a big rack of dried herbs in the grocery store, I often think of dollar bills chopped up and put into bags. For many dried herbs, you might as well just chop up a few dollar bills and sprinkle them on your food for the amount of flavor they add to […]
I’m a Spice Girl (you?) ;-)

Cooking with herbs and spices makes all the difference in the world to the end product, your meal. But if you’ve never learned how to use the mountain of spices available, sometimes you need a little guidance. Never fear, the Dinner Diva is here! Do yourself a favor and copy this list and stick it […]
Good oil/bad oil. Now you’ll know the difference.

There is a good deal of confusion around which oils are good for cooking and which are not. Fat is essential for human health. We need fat in our diets for hormone health, cell building, energy, and even for keeping our skin in good shape. There are certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) that […]
How NOT to Overcook Meat

You’ve decided what to make for dinner. You’ve shopped, chopped, cooked, cleaned, and placed a gorgeous meal on the table. You take your first bite and start chewing and chewing and chewing it’s tough, it’s dry, it’s overcooked. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! Cooking meat can be tricky. You want to cook it long […]
10 Kitchen Tricks

Who doesn’t want to save a bit of time in the kitchen or a bit of money on the grocery bill? The following ten kitchen tricks will make your life a little bit easier. And they’re so simple, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t thought of them yourself! Save the tears. Cut onions without crying by […]
5 Ways to Make the Most of CSA

Another week, another CSA delivery! I look forward to my box of fresh local produce every week, but I am well aware that there are many of you out there who might not have had a chance to finish all of last week’s veggies before getting your new load. Today we’re going to go over […]
Veggie freezing guide

All sorts of nutritious edibles are being plucked from the ground across North America at this very moment. Yes, October is harvest time. Even if you haven’t grown your own vegetables this year, you should still make the most of all that great local organic produce that can be so difficult to source (depending on […]
It’s time to get into a pickle

This is the year, y’all. This is the year you are going to can your summer harvest! And by “can” I mean pickle! Because really, how many cucumbers can one family eat? Once upon a time homes didn’t have freezers or refrigerators, so in order to preserve food, it had to be pickled. To pickle […]