Should you supplement with L-Glutamine?

I’ve written about amino acids before and about how they quite literally are the building blocks of proteins. There are hundreds of amino acids. Eight of them must be taken in via diet (those are considered essential amino acids) and others are made by the body itself (considered non-essential). L-glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, but we hear a lot about it. The question is: why?
When it comes to L-Glutamine, the average person eating a healthy diet can create plenty of it on his or her own. Muscles produce l-glutamine and then the blood transports it to the organs that need it. Beef, chicken, fish, organ meats, and beans all contain L-glutamine, so it’s not difficult to get. But, when your body is under stress, L-glutamine levels dip and you may need to take in some extra. Body stress includes internal distress, gut damage, organ damage, and even stress from resistance training.
L-glutamine is a great way to heal a sick gut and it’s very helpful for anyone trying to deal with gluten withdrawal, sugar cravings, depression, and/or low energy. L-glutamine can help with symptoms of Crohn’s disease, with ulcerative colitis, and with stomach ulcers. If you suffer from anxiety, irritability, or insomnia, you could also stand to have extra L-glutamine. This supplement is also excellent for workout recovery.
Do a bit of research into brands of L-glutamine to determine which you will buy. It really is amazing stuff. All you need to do is put a little bit on your tongue, or stir it into a glass of water, and sugar cravings are almost instantly relieved.
Have you supplemented with L-Glutamine? What results have you experienced? Let us know on our Facebook page!

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