The Incredible Egg

There was an ad campaign years ago, declaring eggs to be “incredible and edible.” Eggs have been given the nutritional shaft for a long time because of the cholesterol factor, but at long last, they are now declaring eggs to be the nutritional giants they have always been. (whomever “they” are) In any case, while […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Pinto Beans

Pinto Beans are a nutritious and versatile bean seen in a lot of Mexican cooking. The healthy-ness factor, plus how cheap they are should put pintos on everyone’s shopping list! According to the New Mexico State University College of Agriculture, a one-cup serving of Pinto Beans provides 1/4 the recommended daily allowance of protein for […]

Irish Cuisine

I’m always up for a new adventure whether that adventure involves traveling to a foreign country or trying some new food. These past couple of weeks, I was able to do both! Traveling to Ireland for a combination business/vacation, I was anticipating adventurous sights, places, and most of all, food! (once a foodie, always a […]