The Incredible Egg

There was an ad campaign years ago, declaring eggs to be “incredible and edible.” Eggs have been given the nutritional shaft for a long time because of the cholesterol factor, but at long last, they are now declaring eggs to be the nutritional giants they have always been. (whomever “they” are)

In any case, while eggs pack a strong nutritional punch, they’re also cheap. Consider this: a dozen eggs can be had for under $2, and a lot of times are just over $1. High quality, protein rich and cheap. You just need to know how to fix ’em!

One of my favorite things to do with eggs is have scrambled eggs and pancakes for dinner. We call it Breakfast for Dinner and my kids love it. I serve orange juice in wine glasses, light candles and have classical music playing in the background. Who says cheap needs to be boring? I try and do this once a week, because it is so gentle on our budget.

Another favorite is the infamous (real men don’t eat) quiche. It is a cinch to make it crustless and could definitely fit in the fast food category, as well. Omelettes are another option, but they are certainly time consuming to make, if you do them right. So here’s my quick and easy quiche that you can make in less than 5 minutes.

Quick and Easy Quiche

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  • 1 dozen eggs beaten like for scrambled eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 10-oz. pacakage frozen chopped spinach thawed and drained
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion sauteed
  • 1 cup ground beef cooked (I use just about anything from leftover spaghetti meat to leftover taco meat – use whatever you have)
  • 6 ounces shredded sharp cheddar I use lowfat
  • In a bowl beat your eggs and add milk, salt and pepper.


  • In a bowl, beat your eggs, milk, salt and pepper. In a 9 x 13 pan coated with a little olive oil, put meat, spinach and cheese down then top with egg mixture. Bake at 350 for 20 to 30 minutes, but check it often. I have noticed a great deal of difference in cooking times on this. Serve it with a great big salad and you have one wonderful supper.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

That’s all there is to it. Simple, easy, cheap and quite good! Enjoy!

Another way to have dinner ready in a flash is to use our Freezer Menus!  Click here to get all the details!

18 Responses

  1. The eggs you’re probably talking about, at those prices, are CAFO eggs fed nasty food and confined in inhumanely small cages crammed together with other birds and unable to move. “Real” eggs come from real chickens raised humanely on pasture and there’s a huge difference in the taste, appearance, and nutritional profile of these eggs. Of all pastured foods, eggs are about the easiest to come by and are still economical, relatively speaking. Cheap food is just that . . . cheap. And it’s nutritionally inferior, inhumane, and environmentally unsound.

    1. I have 13 hens , love them and they are spoiled rotten. Have you ever tried water glassing as a way of preserving your farm fresh eggs?? I want to try it as I am getting 13 eggs a day. I don’t want to use artificial lighting to produce my hens to lay Would love some insight on this technique please
      Thank you

  2. Good Morning,I agree with ssgardengirl. I was shocked by the pale color of the egg yolks when I first saw them 24 yrs ago (I moved to the US from Hungary) My grandma raised chickens and I used to collect fresh eggs on a daily basis.I`m happy to find fresh local eggs from farmers (I live in the West Chester area in PA). For a dozen I pay $3-3.50. Money well spent:-)

  3. I agree — if you are not sensitive to eggs, they are a wonderful nourishing food! In fact, I am excited to say that I am in the process of acquiring some hens to raise for fresh eggs!!! I am in California and we pay $8 a dozen for pastured eggs — shipped from out of state. Eight dollars a dozen! Local, cage-free organic eggs sell for $5 a dozen…and $4 from a local farmer’s market…but the yolks are still a pale yellow, unlike the deep orange yolk from a real pastured egg. I have never seen eggs sell for $2 or less except for at a big box drug store or discount grocery outlet — yikes!

    1. I have about 45 years ago. I grew up on a farm and we would get our eggs from a chicken farm up the road. We used to get 4 doz for 2.50. Also, Duck eggs, and double yokers…. I still get my eggs from the farm today except that its my sister’s farm and I get them for free……love my eggs 🙂 Once in a while I would have to buy store eggs and wow what a difference.

  4. Agreed, great eggs are from happy hens that are free to scratch around freely eating bugs. I get my eggs at the farmer’s market–they’re about $4.00 a dozen now, but when I wrote this article, they were indeed that cheap at the farmer’s market! 🙂 Anyway, my favorite eggs came from my own hens, but that was many happy years ago.

  5. I agree with everything posted so far. Good eggs cannot be had for $1 or $2 a dozen. We have a free-ranging flock for eggs who are supplemented with organic feed. Our eggs costs us $9.59/dozen in 2013. Granted, we had never culled and our oldest hens were 6 years old. And we don’t give extra light; we let the hens take a break and molt naturally. When we are getting the fewest eggs is when we have to supply the most feed; in winter when there is no pasture for them. But the eggs we get from our hens have bright orange yolks, stand up high in the pan and taste great. If you’ve only eaten eggs from the grocery store, you don’t know what a good egg is.

    1. Until I think of the price you make me want to taste your eggs. Unfortunately I do not like eggs so it would be extremely hard to .pay that price. ;(

      1. I don’t sell them for that much. It’s just how much it cost us to feed the flock organically. I sell excess eggs for $5. But we can’t keep spending more to produce the eggs than I can sell them for. The goal is to bring down the cost and minimize excess eggs. We culled the flock of older hens last fall. I won’t compromise the organic feed, the free ranging or the natural molt/break. Culling is hard, but we may need to do it again this fall.

  6. Any thoughts on the double yoked eggs?? I went to a farmers marker that had them and they guy was pretty confident they were good! They were a lot larger than the eggs I normally see

    1. When we lived on the prairies, double yokes were more common than singles! I made a receiving that called for approx a dozen eggs or x cups and only needed 6 eggs to get the x cup measure!

    2. Identical twins I suppose… just like humans indenticals originate from one egg and have their own yolk sacs.

      1. Well that makes sense! I was looking at it from a totally negative perspective but that seems ok! Thanks!

  7. Real eggs come from Real chickens, free ranged or not. Most of the world cannot afford to buy free range and so must make due with the mass produced, yes, I agree, inhumanely raised chickens. However, without those mass produced eggs, a whole lot of American citizens (and other countries as well) wouldn’t get that cheap protein. I raise my own chickens and I agree that the eggs taste better, but if I had no choice, I have (when I lived in the city, I used grocery store eggs) and would buy them from the store again. We don’t always have a choice.

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