I’m always up for a new adventure whether that adventure involves traveling to a foreign country or trying some new food. These past couple of weeks, I was able to do both!
Traveling to Ireland for a combination business/vacation, I was anticipating adventurous sights, places, and most of all, food! (once a foodie, always a foodie). Ireland didn’t disappoint (although having to fork over additional funds to stay an extra 5 days because of the volcanic ash could wasn’t planned).
The seafood was amazing whether you ate fish and chips in a pub, sipped seafood chowder in a café, or dined elegantly at an upscale restaurant, I was blown away by it all. And it got me thinking—the food wasn’t fancy, it was quality. Therein lies the difference between remarkable and mediocre food. So many times it’s excellence that one-up’s even the same recipe.
If you’re like most people, you’ve got grocery shopping to do this week. Think in terms of excellence when you choose your food—here are 3 quick tips that will help you do so without breaking the bank:
1) Choose in-season produce. If you can, grow your own or visit a local farmer’s market. You know the difference between an in-season tomato and an out of season one, right? ‘Nuf said.
2) Choose wild fish. It’s tastier and much healthier than farmed.
3) Choose frozen fish or produce. Sometimes frozen is better than fresh and almost always, cheaper. I only buy my green beans frozen (organic haricot vert that ROCK) and my wild fish is almost always frozen—can’t tell the difference with either one.
Speaking of Ireland, here’s a recipe that I really enjoyed, Colcannon. It was served as part of my mussel dinner at a small seaside café in a charming little village called Kinsale. A good dose of Irish cuisine, plus it uses up leftover mashed potatoes:

- 4 cups mashed potatoes
- 4 cups shredded green cabbage
- 1 small bunch green onions finely chopped
- 1 2/3 cups milk
- 2 tablespoons butter
- Salt and pepper to taste
- In a skillet, on a medium heat, cook the onions in the milk for 5 minutes. In the meantime, steam the cabbage till fork tender, drain then combine with the potatoes. Add the onion and milk to this mixture, add the butter, salt and pepper to taste and mix together well. Serve piping hot.