Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Everything is peachy keen

Peaches are starting to come in season and for most people, the intoxicating aroma of peaches signals that summer is really and truly here. This sweet, tasty, and juicy fruit is thought to have originated in China. It grows in hot subtropical climates like Georgia and I know we’ve all heard of Georgia peaches! Peaches […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: The Perfect Peach

Peaches are synonymous with summer. You see abundant peaches everywhere this time of year, in grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and local produce stands. Bag after bag spilling over with a plethora of sweet and fuzzy fruit. We only have a limited few weeks of this hot season to really enjoy peaches, so let’s take advantage […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Almonds

Almonds are thought of as a nut, but in reality, they aren’t a nut at all; almonds are seeds. This means these little gems are packed full of all the things needed to grow a whole tree–talk about a powerhouse of nutrition! A handful of almonds makes an excellent snack. Inside each little seed package, […]