Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Reach for a Lychee Fruit

lychee fruit

Today’s Focus is on LYCHEE Lychee (pronounced lie-chee or lee-chee) fruits have been cultivated by the Chinese since 1700 BC (or thereabouts). They were actually quite revered back in those days. Poems have been written about these little fruits! Let’s see why. Generally round in shape, lychees are about the size of a walnut shell […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Sweet Molasses

Molasses is a by-product of sugar making. Molasses is what is left when the sugar is separated from the juice from the sugar cane. There are three grades of molasses: light, dark, and blackstrap. Here’s today’s TRICK: When using molasses, lightly grease whatever you’re measuring it in so it doesn’t stick and drops out easily […]