Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Tea or smoothies? (special herb for both)

Fresh mint is a common sight in the summertime and today you’re going to get a tip, a trick, and a recipe featuring this pretty little leaf! I have mint growing in my garden and let me tell you when you plant mint, you have mint for life! Really. Mint can take over so you […]
The Secret of Soup

One of my favorite winter foods is soup; especially healthy homemade soup. Nothing quite compares to a big bowl of steaming soup to warm you up, feed you when you’re not feeling well, or simply act as comfort food. Soup is good food like the commercial says. The only problem with canned soups is they […]
Natural Ways to Fight Colds and Flu

Winter is here! There may be snow on the ground, there is colder weather, lots of soups and stews, and then of course the stuffed up noses. It all sounds great until you’re blowing your nose every two seconds and your throat could pass for sandpaper. And if all that wasn’t enough, your lungs have to fight […]
Guilt-Free Winter Sips

Winter is here, and baby, it’s cold outside! Everyone enjoys a cup of something warm but you know the drill–most of the time, these things are calorie bombs in a cup! So how do we navigate this desire for warm beverages vs. the stuff out there that will pack on the pounds and make your thighs […]
How to Freeze Thanksgiving Ahead

Here is a question I received that I believed warranted answering for everyone— Hi- I LOVE “Saving Dinner”! My husband loves the food even more. Here is my question: how feasible is it to freeze any Thanksgiving side-dishes in advance (ie cranberry sauce, casseroles, even stuffing)? Thanks! I am busy with a new baby AND […]
Treat Yourself with Tangerines

It’s citrus season in the United States—that time of year when you can find those little citrus sweeties all over the grocery store. Tangerines are in season from November through April. There are three major types of tangerines that we tend to find here in the western hemisphere: tangerines, mandarins, and tangelos. These cute little […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: What prickly
plant can boost your magnesium levels?

It’s artichoke season, so today we’re going to focus on this spiky green veggie. After reading this post, you’re going to have a great tip, a trick, and a brand new recipe focusing on this edible flower that grows mainly in California and in the Mediterranean. Though artichokes are sharp and thorny and quite intimidating, […]
Dinner Diva: 5 Simple Suppers for Sweltering Days

Sometimes it’s just too darn hot to be in front of the stove-am I wrong? On those hot summer nights when you can’t stand the thought of turning on the oven or standing in front of a hot grill, it’s important to have a good arsenal of simple supper recipes so that you don’t resort […]
46 Fresh Market Foods for August

In August, there are so many types of foods ripening in the fields and on the trees, I am just like a kid in a candy store when I hit up my local Farmers Market. Have you been to the market lately? I truly believe that we need to support our farmers and shopping at […]