Too Many Tomatoes?

I’m expecting another bumper crop of tomatoes this year, and I know exactly what I’m going to do with my harvest. How about you? Do you know what to do with all of those excess tomatoes? If not, here are some ideas for what you can do when you find yourself with an abundance of […]

An apple (Cider Vinegar) a day keeps the doctor away?

Have you ever wondered where apple cider vinegar comes from? Well, it comes from fermented apple cider. When apple cider ferments, sugar in that cider gets broken down by yeast and bacteria into alcohol. From there, it gets broken into vinegar. Apple cider vinegar, to be exact! In my home, white vinegar is used primarily […]

5 Quick Ways to Shrink Your Grocery Budget

Navigating the grocery store in this day and age feels like tiptoeing around a minefield. With everything we’re hearing about GMOs, hormones, and chemicals in our foods, it makes you wonder if it’s safe to eat anything anymore. In a perfect world, we would all be able to buy everything fair trade, organic, and grass-fed, […]

Our healthy Costco shopping list

I’ve been supporting local farmers’ markets since before it was the trendy thing to do. For years, I’ve been recommending that folks make more of an effort to eat what’s in season, locally. And where you can, it’s always preferred to eat organic. But that being said, it’s unreasonable to think that everyone (especially those […]

8 Easy To Grow Root Vegetables

Root vegetables are easy to grow and offer so much nutritionally (and deliciously, too!) I thought I’d put together a little primer for you to get all you can from root vegetables including how easy they are to grow and how to prepare them! 1. Carrots. Perhaps the first food that comes to mind when […]

Get back to your roots: A Root Vegetable Primer

Root vegetables are easy to grow and offer so much nutritionally (and deliciously, too!) I thought I’d put together a little primer for you to get all you can from root vegetables including how easy they are to grow and how to prepare them! Carrots. Perhaps the first food that comes to mind when you […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Bananas!

You’d have a difficult time finding a home in North America without a bunch of bananas sitting on the counter. Bananas are harvested all year long from trees, where they grow on the banana plant in clusters of 50–150 other bananas. Delicious, nutritious, and so darn versatile, all wrapped up in their own biodegradable wrapper, […]

How to adopt the attitude of “eat to live”

I often hear people talk about what they’re going to miss if they have to give up the grains in their diet. “I’ll miss my toast!” or “I’m going to miss my sandwiches for lunch.” Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, I encourage you to focus on what you CAN have! Like bacon […]

5 Wellness Steps to Practice Daily

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” Hippocrates was a Greek physician thought to be one of the greatest of his time. He saw the connection between what we eat and don’t eat as having a profound effect on our overall health. Pretty timely and very consistent considering the man lived […]