Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Ravishing Radishes

Not many people think of radishes as something more than a salad garnish – you know, pretty, but not something you necessarily want to eat. But radishes are actually great for snacks and including in meals! They’re spicy and sweet, rich in potassium, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamin B6, and calcium. A whole cup is […]

7 tricks for creating healthy habits (#5 is my fave!)

In case you haven’t heard, we have our brand new, absolutely amazing 21 Day Knockout happening right now. One of the best parts of these Challenges, in my opinion, is the tremendous amount of support in our private Facebook group. One of our 30 Day Challengers posted about a simple little trick she started using […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Celery

Everyone who has ever been on a diet, has at one time or another, crunched a stalk of celery in defiance. I call it the angry veggie, lol. Angry because I ate so many of those crisp stalks when I was “dieting” in my younger years and angry too, because of the loud CRUNCH it […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Noodles

Although the core ingredients for noodles don’t vary much (flour, water, salt) you can enjoy them in a number of dishes from lasagna to chow mein. Noodles, sometimes called pasta depending on the dish, are thought to have originated in China around 4,000 years ago. There are over 350 different types of pasta noodles in […]