How to adopt the attitude of “eat to live”

I often hear people talk about what they’re going to miss if they have to give up the grains in their diet. “I’ll miss my toast!” or “I’m going to miss my sandwiches for lunch.” Instead of focusing on what you can’t have, I encourage you to focus on what you CAN have! Like bacon […]

7 tricks for creating healthy habits (#5 is my fave!)

In case you haven’t heard, we have our brand new, absolutely amazing 21 Day Knockout happening right now. One of the best parts of these Challenges, in my opinion, is the tremendous amount of support in our private Facebook group. One of our 30 Day Challengers posted about a simple little trick she started using […]

Moroccan Chicken

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Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Ginger A-Peel

The pungent, distinctive smell of fresh ginger is worth the time it takes to grate it and use it. Ginger looks like an alien root mass and is readily available year-round in your grocer’s produce department. Choose firm roots (actually, they’re rhizomes) and skip anything wrinkly or moldy. To make sure your ginger is fresh, […]

5 Wellness Steps to Practice Daily

“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” Hippocrates was a Greek physician thought to be one of the greatest of his time. He saw the connection between what we eat and don’t eat as having a profound effect on our overall health. Pretty timely and very consistent considering the man lived […]

There is an alternative to “magazine skinny”

If you’ve been fighting with the scale for most of your adult life like I have, trying everything from counting calories to tracking points, all with the goal of getting magazine cover skinny, I have just one thing to ask of you; please stop! First of all, I don’t have to tell you that everyone […]

Bacon and Almond Broccoli Salad

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3 reasons you should try kelp noodles

Seaweed contains more minerals and vitamins (ounce for ounce) than any other plant. All of the 56 minerals and vitamins you need to survive can be gotten from seaweed. Kelp is one of the more popular varieties of sea vegetables and like other ocean plants, it contains fiber and cancer-fighting properties. I’ve recently found a […]

21 Gluten Free Finger Foods!

Today, we’re going to look at what sorts of finger foods you might consider serving at your next party to please everyone in the crowd from the Celiacs and Paleoistas to good old Uncle Jim who thinks that everyone that eats organic is a hippy! The following finger foods are either paleo and/or gluten-free and […]