7 Satisfying Salty Snacks

Healthy Foods
7 Satisfying Salty Snacks

by Leanne Ely, CNC


Worrying about excess salt has become an obsession as of late–you cannot turn on the television without someone pushing the salt alarm. One would think pulling salt completely out of the diet would be a healthy thing. But salt is important to our bodies because it’s used to transmit electrical impulses to the muscles, nerves, and regulates blood pressure.

The issue of course is TOO much salt. Yes you can get too much or too little of a good thing and have issues. So let’s talk about foods with naturally occurring sodium (don’t buy the salted varieties). These foods have their OWN salt!

Good for you “salty” snacks–


*Pumpkin seeds: a good source of zinc, iron and protein as well as sodium.

*Almonds: also a good source for vitamin E, loaded with healthy fats as well, just a handful will do–count out 10.

*Hummus: Made with the fiber rich garbanzo bean, this dip’s natural sodium content is enhanced when you use carrots and celery sticks for dipping.

*Olives: Keep in mind these babies can pop you over the top quickly–just about five or so will do the trick!

*Natural popcorn (preferably with an air popper rather than microwave): if you don’t have a hot air popper for popcorn, you can pick one up inexpensively at a big box store. I love mine and I love that I can know what exactly is being added to my popcorn since I’m in control.

*Edamame: Make sure it’s organic (then it will be non-GMO). Unprocessed soy beans are much better than processed soy products.

*Mozzarella and tomatoes: terrific as a snack and a fabulous salad (add fresh basil!).

There you go–a tasty list of naturally occurring sodium rich foods. No added salt necessary, enjoy!

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