Dear sweet friends,
Today is Thanksgiving–my most favorite holiday of them all.
I love Thanksgiving. I love having family and friends in my home, I love the smells the cooking generates, I love the laughter that the mixture of people produces and I love the sweet satisfaction of feeding the folks I love the most in this world.
Did you count the 6 “loves” in those last 2 sentences? Yes, I love Thanksgiving that much–with all my heart!
We have a tradition in our home before we eat our wonderful Thanksgiving meal. We gather together in a circle, holding hands and each one of us will say one thing we’re especially thankful for. And then we’ll bow our heads and pray, thanking the One who has so lavishly blessed us all.
As I reflect on this past year of abundant change, I have deep gratitude for all I’ve gone through–even the hard stuff that brought me to my knees. I learned through it all that God is good all of the time, He never gives up on us and will hold us up in our most broken, weary moments, even when we’ve given up on ourselves.
And that is because love never fails.
As imperfect and awkward as we human beings may be, love is perfect and fills in the rough spots in our lives that would otherwise stay that way. Love covers a multitude of harsh realities. 🙂
This is my hope and prayer for you this blessed Thanksgiving. That you choose to love with all your heart–abundantly. That you choose to give your time, treasure and affection to your family and friends with great intention.
May you be blessed, dear friend this Thanksgiving. With a heart filled with gratitude, some good people to love you up, and the good sense to count your blessings daily.
I’m honored to be a part of your life–thank you.
With deep gratitude and love for you all,