Hey y’all!
I went through a transformation with the amazing Carol Tuttle and learned SO much! You’ll get to see my transformation next week, but click here and you can find out which “type” you are (it’s FASCINATING! I’m a type 1!) Watch the clip below and hear us chat about shame-based beliefs.
What’s REALLY going on when you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see?
You’re not trying to look like a supermodel.
You’re not aspiring to be on a magazine cover.
In fact, you’re not actually looking for perfection in the mirror…
You’re looking for your true self.
And today, you have an opportunity to find her.
We women live under so many expectations of how to look and dress and talk and be.
Trying to live up to who we think we should be, we hide away parts of who we truly are—without even realizing it!
How can you get back in touch with the amazing woman you’ve always been, inside and out?
By learning which of the 4 Types of beauty you express.
Best-selling author Carol Tuttle has created an online course to help you rediscover those hidden parts of your true self.
Your true inner beauty.
Your hidden outer beauty.
They’re both connected to the truth of who you are as a woman.
This free course helps you love and understand yourself better—and see what life could look like when you’re fully true to yourself.
So… which of the 4 Types are you?
Find out with this free online course and become the woman you’ve always wanted to be (and always have been, somewhere in there.)
PS. This free course has an added perk. Once you rediscover your inner truth, you see how to express that true beauty outwardly in your style. One of Carol’s students says:
“For the first time in my life, I accept myself as I am at this moment and am beginning to feel the wonder of living life as me! It is so fantastic to experience clothes, accessories, and makeup as a way of honoring one’s self rather than feeling competition and failure. I wish that many more women could feel this joy.” —Susan (Type 2 beauty)