Green Smoothies

Arguably one of the most healthy drinks you can make is an organic green smoothie. A virtual green meal in a glass (if you add protein powder), green smoothies are simple to make, taste great, and pack a huge veggie punch.  If you find it hard to get your daily intake of veggies, this is a great way to get them all in painlessly.

How to Make a Green Smoothie:

You need a high-speed blender, veggies, fruit, filtered water, and ice. You blend it all together, and that’s really all there is to it.  You can experiment with the quantity and type of veggies you use and the amount of ice and various ingredients as long as you put in green veggies, and no animal products, it’s a green smoothie. It is imperative to use organic produce when making green smoothies because of the high content of pesticides in the non-organic variety.

Here’s a recipe for a green smoothie. To make it more of a substitute meal, add protein powder. Our Perfect Paleo Protein is available in three flavors: Chocolate, Unflavored, and Vanilla – my favorite is Chocolate! Just one scoop will add 15-18 grams of protein to your smoothie!

Quadruple Green Smoothie

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Servings 1 serving


  • 1 scoop Perfect Paleo Protein any flavor
  • 1 scoop FiberMender
  • 1 scoop Just Juiced Veggies there’s up to 7 servings of fruit and vegetables in ONE scoop!
  • 1 teaspoon matcha tea
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 handful organic baby spinach
  • 1/2 small ripe avocado peeled and pitted
  • a couple of ice cubes


  • Throw everything together in your blender of choice and let ‘er rip! Serve immediately--enjoy!
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You can put anything you like into your green smoothie as long as you remember to put the green veggies.  cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, celery, asparagus, green beans (all raw of course) can go in a green smoothie.   Once you get used to them, add in more green veggies until you are getting the five to nine servings or more a day of veggies and fruits that you need.

One of the benefits of drinking green smoothies is that you will have more energy throughout the day. Some diabetics have drastically lowered their blood sugar by having green smoothies. Many have lost weight using these green smoothies as a substitute for a couple of their meals. You can add in a superfood if you desire to make them even more nutritious.

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