I’ve been on vacation—on a little lake in eastern Canada, far away from civilization.
It’s quiet.
Except for the birds in the trees and the haunting melodies of loons calling to one another on the lake.
For the most part, I’ve stayed off the grid.
Instead of working, I sit on the beach with the lake lapping at my feet, or go kayaking into the middle of the lake, or even go fishing on the boat. And sometimes, I take luxurious naps in the afternoon on the screen porch.
I will admit, I’ve cried a bit, too. I’ve thought a lot about my mom, how much I miss her and what a relief it is to know she’s no longer suffering.
I’ve cooked epic meals on the lopsided stovetop, drank wine, and dove into some great conversations about life, love, what’s important and how do you get there—still haven’t figured it all out, but is that possible?
I’ve made some personal assessments of the direction I want to go in my life. Where I want to live, who I want to be around, and what I want my life to look like.
I’ve assessed my health as well—am I living in optimal wellness, can I do better, what more do I need to do to get there, and what am I missing?
From all of this quiet time, I’ve made some huge decisions—one of which I’ve shared with you earlier about my own health and weight.
I’ve done great losing 45 pounds. I feel good, I’m proud of my accomplishment and my blood test numbers look good, too.
But the nagging question remains—can I do better?
Am I as fit as I want to be? Am I at my absolute ideal weight? Can I feel better than this?
The answer to the main question—“can I do better” is a resounding YES. There’s always room for improvement.
And NO, this isn’t perfectionism…not at all.
It’s a QUEST. A journey…seeking more for my life. Dialing in what I know and adding to my “knowledge bank” so I can apply it to my own health and ultimately, the enjoyment I can wring out of my life.
And the reason for all of this is because it’s all so very interconnected.
I’ve found personally (and I’ve seen it too, in my own little Hot Melt Sprint community) that you cannot divorce yourself from your body! It’s all together, your mind, heart, body, and soul. And ultimately, your well-being is tied to that body whether you like it or not.
This isn’t a post about body shaming.
I’m also not talking about not accepting yourself as you are.
It’s not about fitting into your skinny jeans, wearing a bikini or a little black dress, either.
I’m talking about a gut-wrenching, honest evaluation of where you REALLY and truly are.
So 2 questions for you—
Are you living your life to its fullest?
Is your body serving you as the vehicle to get you there?
Those are the big, overarching questions you need to ask yourself.
Life is too darn short to live it only halfway.
Because here’s the truth—
You have a life you want to live…and you have the life you’re living.
The choice is yours to make the journey or to stay put.
What will you choose?