Finding Balance as an Empty Nester
Food For Thought Finding Balance as an Empty Nester By Leanne Ely, CNC For all intents and purposes, I am an empty nester—my children aren’t at home full time anymore. Things have changed dramatically at my house and I didn’t fully realize this until after I did my whole Two Week Kitchen Makeover with Rubbermaid […]
Healthy Foods: Breakfast in a Glass
If you want to lose weight, try eating breakfast. Oh I know, you’re going to tell me you aren’t hungry—just give me some coffee and all will be right in my world. Or so you think. The problem is that nothing will be right in our world if we perpetually do this. Not eating breakfast […]
Menu Planning
Buddy Hackett once said, “My mother’s menu consisted of two choices. Take it or leave it.” That’s what my mother’s menu consisted of, too. We had the choice of eating the dinner she prepared or leaving the table hungry. If we didn’t like what she prepared, we weren’t allowed to make ourselves a PB & […]
Is it your Thyroid?
There is nothing more frustrating than eating a healthy diet, exercising and not losing weight. Doctors look at you suspiciously when you air your complaint (as if you have a 2 pound bag of M & M’s hiding in your purse) and your girlfriends think you’re living in denial. What’s really going on? Could be […]