Dinner Diva’s Swiss Chard

Popeye sang it best “I’m strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach”. Ok so Swiss chard isn’t spinach but it is a leafy green vegetable similar to spinach. And it provides a variety of health benefits that include making you strong like Popeye. When shopping for Swiss Chard look for leaves that are […]
A Head of the Pack

Savoy Cabbage The antioxidant protection of cruciferous vegetables is powerful. You know from previous articles here in Healthy-Foods and elsewhere that vitamins C and E and beta carotene help ward off disease and illness by helping combat harmful free radicals that naturally accumulate in the body. Free radicals damage your body, causing changes that can […]
Pantry Spruce Up

Spring has definitely sprung here in North Carolina—the daffodils are smiling, the Bradford pear trees have bloomed and leafed out and it’s starting to warm up! I adore the spring. And while I am not a believer in spring cleaning, I will tell you my pantry could sure use a dose of it! Open the […]