How Clean is Your Fridge?

Why is it the last thing to get cleaned in a kitchen is the inside of the refrigerator? I know that’s true for a lot of people; it certainly was for me! The fridge was the last frontier for me in the kitchen. I could keep the kitchen clean, unload the dishwasher regularly, keep the […]
Are you eating this superfood?

Few things can raise as many “I’m not eating that” and “eew! Disgusting!” reactions from the dinner table as liver, but that’s too bad because the nutrition found in organ meats is unbelievable! The liver is a storage organ for vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K, as well as copper, iron, and other essential […]
HF – What You Need to Know About Cottonseed Oil
Healthy Foods What You Need to Know About Cottonseed Oil By Leanne Ely, CNC One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to food is when manufacturers don’t give you the whole scoop on a product they’re trying pawn off as food. Don’t lie to me and tell me it’s good for me when […]
Dinner Diva’s Swiss Chard

Popeye sang it best “I’m strong to the finich Cause I eats me spinach”. Ok so Swiss chard isn’t spinach but it is a leafy green vegetable similar to spinach. And it provides a variety of health benefits that include making you strong like Popeye. When shopping for Swiss Chard look for leaves that are […]
A Head of the Pack

Savoy Cabbage The antioxidant protection of cruciferous vegetables is powerful. You know from previous articles here in Healthy-Foods and elsewhere that vitamins C and E and beta carotene help ward off disease and illness by helping combat harmful free radicals that naturally accumulate in the body. Free radicals damage your body, causing changes that can […]
Pantry Spruce Up

Spring has definitely sprung here in North Carolina—the daffodils are smiling, the Bradford pear trees have bloomed and leafed out and it’s starting to warm up! I adore the spring. And while I am not a believer in spring cleaning, I will tell you my pantry could sure use a dose of it! Open the […]