Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Ravishing Radishes

Not many people think of radishes as something more than a salad garnish – you know, pretty, but not something you necessarily want to eat. But radishes are actually great for snacks and including in meals! They’re spicy and sweet, rich in potassium, ascorbic and folic acid, vitamin B6, and calcium. A whole cup is […]
Brown Butter Dipped Lemony Radishes

Spring and summer wouldn’t be complete without heaps of radishes!!! And if you’ve never had radishes with butter – you are cheating yourself of such a perfectly simple and delicious treat! This is a great snack or appetizer or picnic food, and it’s SOOO easy! So grab some radishes and let’s get started! Subscribe to […]
The Microplane: Leanne’s Kitchen Tool of the Month

What is a Microplane? It is like a tiny, little grater. And it is really fantastic because, it’s super sharp, and you can almost shave anything down with it. Here are a few things you can use on it: Garlic Radishes (Make a radish type of garnish for a plate or in a salad) Chocolate […]