With Heartfelt Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,

Today is Thanksgiving.

There’s a wonderful turkey in my oven, my table is set, my family is here, and dear friends are on their way.

Just before we eat our wonderful Thanksgiving meal, we traditionally gather together in a circle, holding hands and each one of us will say one thing we’re especially thankful for. And then we’ll bow our heads and pray, thanking the One who has so abundantly blessed us all.

This year I want to tell you what I’ll be sharing in our little circle because this is what’s been on my heart for months. I’m so very thankful I still have my Mom.

In July, I flew out to California after a call from my Mom that she was being admitted to the hospital. I got on the first plane out that I could and when I finally arrived at the hospital, I saw my little mommy laying in a bed–thin and weak, needing a walker to get around. I was devastated and scared.

After several days in the hospital, it was time for her to go home, but she still needed care and we were concerned for the future. I was relieved when she made the decision to come home with me, requiring a move cross country. It’s been a transition for all of us, but as the months have gone by, we have watched her get better daily. We surround her with love, care, and a lot of laughter. My Mom is a fighter. And as I wrote in the dedication of my new book to my Mom, I’m fiercely proud to be her daughter.

This is my hope and my prayer for you this blessed Thanksgiving. That you feel an urgency to love with all your heart. That you understand that your family is precious–they’ve been given to you by divine appointment. Know that time with them is sacred. Cherish every moment. Surround them with as much love as you can give, kindness, laughter, and care. And be thankful for them every day, not just on Thanksgiving.

With gratitude and love for you all,

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