Thanksgiving is one holiday where you cannot let your perfectionism run your life. Norman Rockwell paintings are paintings—not snapshots of real life. It’s an idealistic picture of what we all wish and pine for; not the real McCoy. Remember that if you run out of gravy, burn the rolls, or the turkey isn’t done and it’s 6:00 PM Thanksgiving Day!
A sense of humor should be standard operating equipment for each one of us. Even if you weren’t born with one, you can have one if you decide to stop taking yourself so seriously, lighten up on the perfectionism and make up your mind to laugh at even your biggest gaffs.
Years ago, I read something about a woman I will never forget. It seems this woman was putting a new big bottle of water on the water cooler when it slipped off and all the water came gushing out all over the floor. Apparently, she was known for her temper but a FlyLady musing (from had made her stop and take note that her angry words were damaging herself and her family.
So instead of getting upset, she started to laugh. Then her children started to laugh, and then they played in the water and laughed some more! In the end, they all gathered up beach towels, and mopped up the floor and this story became a cherished family memory. It’s amazing how a change of attitude can completely overhaul a bad situation!
Remember that this Thanksgiving if you’re hosting your family and friends at your house. Take volunteers if they ask, recruit people to help if they don’t, and above all, remember that even a Thanksgiving with a ruined dinner and grilled cheese sandwiches can become the best Thanksgiving ever. It’s all in your attitude!
Speaking of grilled cheese. Mexicans call their grilled cheese sandwiches quesadillas—the same thing just made with a tortilla. Here’s a recipe for a quick meal, Mexican style—

Chicken Quesadillas
- 4 10-inch whole wheat tortillas
- 1 cup Mexican style shredded cheese
- 2 cups chopped cooked chicken breast or use Thanksgiving leftover turkey
- 1/2 small red onion thinly sliced
- 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
- In a nonstick skillet, heat a tortilla over medium high heat, open faced for just a minute. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of the cheese all over the tortilla, allowing the cheese to begin to melt. Now place about 1/2 cup of the chicken over the cheese on just ONE side of the tortilla, adding a quarter of the sliced onion on top of that, followed by 1 tablespoon of the cilantro. Fold the tortilla over and mash the top ever so slightly with your spatula to allow the insides to mush together. Repeat with remaining tortillas.
Your favorite jarred salsa Sour cream Sliced avocado Sliced tomato
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