Papayas are juicy, mild and sweet, and taste very much like a musky cantaloupe. They are high in vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Great sources of fiber, vitamin A and E as well as carotenoids, lutein and lycopene which are great for good eye health, some people consider papaya to be superior in nutrition and is often listed as a digestion aid and so called “super food”.
You know this fruit is ripe when the outside turns a golden yellow. To store papayas place in a brown paper bag at room temperature but to let them ripen you should store out in the open, such as in a fruit bowl on the table. Move to refrigerator once ripe and eat within a week.
Here’s Today’s TRICK:
Use the small, round black peppery seeds inside the center of the fruit as a pepper substitute in a variety of dishes including salad.
Here’s a TIP:
Papaya has 4 times more vitamin E than either apples or oranges!
And your RECIPE:

Easy Papaya Cream Dessert
Papaya Cream
- 2 scoops homemade vanilla ice cream
- 1/2 papaya mashed
Papaya Topping
- 1/2 papaya mashed
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla
Papaya Cream
- Blend together and refreeze.
Papaya Topping
- Puree the papaya and combine with ingredients.