A Hurricane in the Mountains—#NotOnMyBingoCard
Having just experienced Hurricane Helene, right here in the mountains of North Carolina, where hurricanes are practically unheard of, I find myself swimming in a complex sea of emotions. What I’m finding a week later is facing those raw emotions, recognizing human nature, and learning what truly matters. We had no warning—just a forecast of […]
Holiday Tips, Tricks, And Trackers–How To THRIVE
(Not Just Survive) During The Holidays Without Going
Off The Rails…And STILL Have Fun!

No one wants the gift of Regret,that’s right, capital R. Regret has 2 definitions: (verb) feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity). (noun) a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done. I have personally spent way […]
How a Spectacular Faceplant Taught Me
5 Lessons about Life (and Pickleball)

Friday was a busy day for me–I was putting the finishing touches on my presentation for Full Bloom on Saturday and I had a pickleball game and lesson later on–a good, full day. Little did I know it would be a day that included public humiliation, blood, a tiny pickleball vigilante, and, against all odds, […]
Bottoms Up For Breakfast

Taking care of ourselves is how we manage our health; there’s no other way around it. It may be a simple concept, but it’s overlooked every single day in favor of taking care of everyone and everything else. Just like breakfast. We skip breakfast thinking we don’t need it. We aren’t hungry—we just want our […]
How to Journal to Change Your Life in 12 Weeks

Goal setting can be overwhelming and untenable. There. I said it–and I said it to give you permission to acknowledge it. Not everyone is intensely goal-oriented, is trying to “play bigger” or wants a fancy life complete with private planes. However, I have yet to meet a woman who doesn’t want a life brimming with […]
Organic vs Traditional Produce – Which is Best?

Shopping for produce can be a bit confusing. There are so many varieties of different items in the produce section of your favorite stores. You also add the battle of finding something that is ripe enough but not too ripe. To be sure you are getting all your nutritional requirements, you might consider a multivitamin or even add in apple cider vinegar to your daily routine.
When shopping for produce the produce section will also ask you to choose between organic and non-organic produce. This can leave you asking, “Is organic or non-organic produce better,” and we have your answer!
Wake Up Feeling Refreshed and Ready to Go!

Do you ever wake up tired after sleeping all night? While there can be other causes of this, one big culprit might be your mattress. Sleeping on the wrong mattress can be a sleep thief. In fact, I’ve had my share of less than wonderful mattresses in my life. Add to that a desire for a safe and healthy night’s sleep and I knew I needed to make a change to my mattress and quickly. I am going to share why I love my Organix Bed mattress, especially since I wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to go!
Women’s History Month: Honoring the Wise Women in Your Life

Women’s History Month is here and with it comes the desire to focus on the wise women in our lives. History is packed with wise women who did big things to change the world. These women sacrificed and worked hard to create changes large and small that would shape the world for years to come. […]
A Shout Out to Sprouts!

A Shout-Out to Sprouts! Is there anything more nutritionally dense than a sprout? I don’t think so…and that’s why I want you to have this primer to learn how to make them yourself at home. When you take seeds and soak them in water, they will start to germinate, grow a plant, and that first […]