13 Food Safety Guidelines
(important–they change every year!)
If you’re anything like me, sometimes you are just plain fed up with feeding people. Meal planning, grocery shopping, chopping, peeling, roasting, boiling, eating, coercing the children into eating their vegetables, cleaning up the pots and pans only to do the exact same thing again tomorrow. Getting a nourishing meal on the table at the […]
Finding Balance as an Empty Nester
Food For Thought Finding Balance as an Empty Nester By Leanne Ely, CNC For all intents and purposes, I am an empty nester—my children aren’t at home full time anymore. Things have changed dramatically at my house and I didn’t fully realize this until after I did my whole Two Week Kitchen Makeover with Rubbermaid […]
Most Common Grilling Mistakes
Dinner Diva Most Common Grilling Mistakes by Leanne Ely, CNC Summer is here! Obviously, I’m a big fan of the grill and I feel as though I’ve spoken at length about it in that regard, so this isn’t another article expressing my unwavering love for this cooking marvel, rather, it’s a cautionary tale. Though […]
Vacation Eating – Don’t Send Your Healthy Habits Packing
Healthy Foods Vacation Eating – Don’t Send Your Healthy Habits Packing by Leanne Ely, CNC Summer is quickly rounding around the corner–the kids will be out of school, sunglasses permanently attached to our faces, lots of sunscreen, and most likely a vacation! Vacation has to be one of our favorite words. A break from […]
FFT- Once a Month Cooking Myths
Food for Thought Once a Month Cooking Myths by Leanne Ely, C.N.C Now I’m not here to knock down Once a Month Cooking (OAMC). I love the concept. In fact, our 20 for the Freezer menus were inspired by OAMC. However, we took it a step further and improved the system with our freezer menus. […]
DD – Creative Leftovers
Dinner Diva Early Edition Creative Leftovers By Leanne Ely CNC Holidays can leave us with lots of leftovers–I hope you stuck a bunch in your freezer! When we remember to feed our freezer and have a plan for how we’re going to use leftover food, we can recoup our losses and not waste a bit […]
HF – What You Need to Know About Cottonseed Oil
Healthy Foods What You Need to Know About Cottonseed Oil By Leanne Ely, CNC One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to food is when manufacturers don’t give you the whole scoop on a product they’re trying pawn off as food. Don’t lie to me and tell me it’s good for me when […]
HF – Thanksgiving Freezing Tips
Healthy Foods Thanksgiving Freezing Tips by Leanne Ely, C.N.C. Here is a question I received that I believed warranted answering for everyone– Hi- I LOVE “Saving Dinner”! My husband loves the food even more 🙂 Here is my question: how feasible is it to freeze any Thanksgiving side-dishes in advance (ie cranberry sauce, casseroles, even […]