My 7 Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Foods

While getting regular exercise and reducing the amount of stress in your life are key components to reducing the inflammation in your body, we can also add certain anti-inflammatory foods to our diet, (all the while cutting out sugar and processed food), to optimize our health. The following seven foods are anti-inflammatory superheroes and you […]

Myth Buster enclosed (you need to know this)

Everyone’s concerned about watching the grocery budget these days, and rightly so! Food costs are climbing, and there’s no sign of this trend stopping anytime soon. I’m often met with resistance when I talk about eating nutritious foods (especially as part of a Paleo lifestyle) because people claim they can’t afford to eat healthy. To […]

You’re a big girl now: eat your veggies!!

Hands up if you eat the 5 daily servings of fruits and veggies as recommended by the USDA or the 7-10 daily servings recommended by Canada’s Food Guide. I’m not seeing many hands! But the truth is, folks, there’s a reason why the government wants us to get in all those leafy greens and juicy […]

How much nutrition is really in your food?

You hear all the time that you should eat your fruits and vegetables. That they contain important minerals and vitamins essential for good health. So, you probably feel that you’re doing something good when you sit down to your daily salad and whatever other vegetables you can cram into yourself and/or your family members. And […]

Eat your way to intimacy

As far as I’m concerned, one of the most important things you must do when embarking on a journey towards better health (which we all should be doing!) is to get into the mindset of eating to live, not living to eat. There’s a big difference. I believe that food is medicine, and you can […]

Fight cancer and fungi with this versatile veggie

I always have at least one red onion on the counter at all times. I adore these purple orbs with their richly colored skins. They look so fabulous sliced onto a green salad, and the great thing about red onions is that you can just slice ‘em and eat ‘em raw, which you don’t generally […]

What’s the Best Oil to Cook With?

One question that I get asked a lot is “What are the best oils to use for sautéing?”  Invariably, people ask me about canola oil and olive oil, and while you can use olive oil at, say, 300-degree temperature for sautéing, it’s really easy to go over the edge and ruin your oil. What happens […]

Healthy Meals for Picky Eaters

If you’re trying your best to lose weight and/or improve your health, it can be challenging to stick with it (to say the least) if your family isn’t on board with the changes. When you’re struggling to make the right food choices, negative feedback from the dinner table every night can push you back to […]

Crabby? 5 Ways to Boost Your Mood with Food

If you’re susceptible to mood swings or if you have a lot of those days where you feel like curling up under a blanket and waiting for the gray clouds to clear away, you may want to consider changing up your diet a little bit. The foods we eat are responsible for our skin’s glow […]