In my inbox today was a question from a gal who is trying our new Re-Boot Camp! She had a question regarding having a smoothie every day—
Dear Leanne,
I just signed up for the Re-Boot Camp. I did not realize that breakfast would be a smoothie and the recipe contains your protein powder, etc…. Is there something else you can have for breakfast?
I didn’t order these items when I first signed up because I didn’t realize they were necessary for this program.
Hey there Becky!
I use smoothies because of their ease of accomplishment AND it really, really helps with weight loss from my own personal experience.
If you would prefer, you can scramble two eggs, add some salsa on the top if you like and 1/4 of a ripe avocado–that would totally work. I’d also add some fresh berries like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries or blackberries on the side; no more than 1/2 a cup.
Hope that helps!
PS—While Reboot Camp is over, you can still reap the benefits of a protein-packed smoothie! GREAT results happen when you embrace this one daily habit! This is what Megan said about our smoothies, “The smoothies were so filling that I didn’t even think to snack and I have tons more energy. I have multiple sclerosis and four young kids so the extra energy is a lifesaver.”