Trout Pout (not what you think, LOL)

I don’t need to tell you how healthy fish is. We all know by now that fish is packed with nutrition and that we should be eating at least a 3-ounce serving of cooked fish each week. According to Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch, trout is actually one of the most healthy types of fish […]

Food For Thought: Want to learn to love fish?

So many people tell me they can’t stand fish. The “fishiness” and the texture just take out any desire to eat it. And yet we all know how healthy fish is, right? But hey, you’re a big girl and you want to try it again? Come now, I’ll help you! The key to getting properly […]

Healthy Foods: Have You Visited Your Dining Room Lately?

Mount Rushmore has one of the most well-known sights in America called the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. This granite cliff has several presidents’ faces carved into the side and has been visited by millions of people. Another well-visited place should be your own dining room table, especially when you have Jack Fish on the menu! […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Fish

So you know you should be eating fish often. It’s good for you. Yet many people are a bit hesitant to cook fish. It’s tricky (or so they think). Well, let me ease your mind. Cooking fish is easier than baking a pie – and much better for you. Fish is the ultimate fast food. […]

HF – GMO Salmon

Healthy Foods GMO Salmon By Leanne Ely, C.N.C. Genetically modified salmon has been all over the news lately, they’re calling it “Franken Fish” and other interestingly descriptive names. You probably wonder if you should be concerned. Allow me to help you with that–you should. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) were banned in Europe over a decade […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Cabbage

This biggest cruciferous veggie, there’s a lot more to cabbage than just coleslaw. When a dear friend of mine gave birth to a stillborn baby, her doctor told her to place cabbage leaves in her bra to help dry up her milk. It’s an excellent source for vitamin C, fiber of course, folate, manganese, and […]