Dinner Diva: Eat your veggies! No, I mean it.

Hands up if you eat the 5 daily servings of fruits and veggies as recommended by the USDA or the 7-10 daily servings recommended by Canada’s Food Guide. I’m not seeing many hands! But the truth is, folks, there’s a reason why the government wants us to get in all those leafy greens and juicy […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Oh golly ghee!

With the paleo diet gaining a lot of traction in the US, I’ve been getting more and more questions about ghee. For those of you unfamiliar with this product, ghee is basically butter with its milk solids removed. Like butter, ghee is made from the fats of whole milk. Buffalo milk is often used in […]

Food For Thought: The skinny on fats and oils

Olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil . . . there are so many different types of oils staring back at you from the grocery store shelf that you almost need a degree in food […]

Dinner Diva: Something to chew on

You take much care to choose healthy foods that will do your body good and you carefully prepare those foods into delicious meals. Why negate any of that effort by mindlessly stuffing food into your mouth? One thing many of us are guilty of forgetting is that digestion starts with saliva. We eat so quickly […]

Food For Thought: Making it your own

Dear Friends, Without going into arduous detail, suffice it to say that buying and moving into my new house (new to me anyway) was a small act of God. The obstacles, delays, and endless frustration started in December and finally ended in April with a triumphant closing. It almost felt like giving birth. And today, […]

Refrigerator Redesign

Dinner Diva Refrigerator Redesign By Leanne Ely, CNC Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to ask each of you, if you would, kindly open your refrigerator door. So how’s it looking? A little messy? Maybe it’s so full of food you can’t even see the shelves anymore? If it’s really bad, does it have a […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: The Forgotten Fig

Figs aren’t exactly regularly consumed fresh fruit in the USA, as much as they are overseas. Only available between June and September, it’s a pity most of us only know figs from a cookie! Figs are full of dietary fiber and potassium. Fiber as we all know is great for keeping the plumbing in working […]

HF – Let Food be Thy Medicine

Let Food be Thy Medicine By Leanne Ely, C.N.C. Eating a varied diet, eating clean, moving around (yes, the e word, exercise!), having positive thoughts, and getting fresh air goes hand in hand with what Hippocrates believed and promoted. After all these years the truth is apparent–what he taught works. If only more doctors today […]

FFT – Is Your Lifestyle Health Sustainable?

Food For Thought Is Your Lifestyle Health Sustainable? by Leanne Ely, CNC Nothing is more important to the state of our health than the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. We know that the choices we make today can have long term effects on our quality of life for […]