Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Achin’ for some bacon?

The Chinese started enjoying salted pork bellies in 1500 BC. The Romans and the Greeks also enjoyed eating this preserved pork product. In 1924, the first packaged and sliced bacon was patented by Oscar Mayer, and the world would never be the same. Oh, bacon. Those of us who are living a Paleo lifestyle, well, […]

Tip, Trick & a Recipe: The Delectable Mushroom

Here’s today’s TRICK: Did you know that mushrooms that look “old” are actually more flavorful? Buy them marked down and with a smile on your face, knowing (smugly) that not only have you purchased yourself a good deal, you’re getting better flavor! And here’s a TIP: Don’t throw out the stems! Chop them up finely […]