5 ways to squash your dinner
You can tell by the bright yellow or orange flesh of winter squash (well, depending on the variety), that this fall harvest fruit is good for you. (Yes, squash is a fruit!) Winter squash, like acorn and butternut, are the more substantial varieties. And I’m sure you already knew it, but zucchini is considered a […]
Snacking keeps you FAT!
One of things I used to promote was eating 5-6 small meals a day–that’s right, you just kept that jaw chewing and your body in digestive mode pretty much all day. Well guess what? It doesn’t work! As a matter of fact, it’s ruinous to your health and will keep your blood sugar levels perpetually […]
How to lose weight on a Paleo diet
If you’ve been following a Paleo diet, you might be frustrated at why your weight loss results aren’t as great as you thought they would be. I stand firm in my belief that Paleo is the ultimate way to meet nutritional requirements and maintain good health. And this way of eating naturally comes a svelte […]
How to get your appetite under control
We’ve all been there. Our plan is printed out, the food shopped for, the preparation is done—we’re ready. We are excited—this time, we’re really going to do it! Then out of nowhere, suddenly this urgent, silent craving hits you upside the head and makes all your good intentions fly out the window with record speed. […]
An old-fashioned weight loss tip with real results…
can you guess it?
To date, I’ve dished about barre classes, my diet, getting plenty of rest, and keeping tabs on my thyroid, and how this has all made a big difference in my weight. And today, I’m going to talk about a classic weight loss secret that seems to be totally ignored by so many. Probably because it’s […]
Thyroid: it’s the key to weight loss
The 2 biggest questions I get asked is, 1) how did you lose all that weight, and 2) how did you drop it so quickly? I hear it all the time–from friends, family, and our Saving Dinner community. I’ve shared some things I’ve learned along the way that have made a huge difference—changing my diet, […]
Slow down in order to slim down
When I get asked what the secret to my slimming down was, mostly it is people who want to know about what I’m eating. That of course is a huge, integral part of it, but it’s not the only thing. Delving full steam ahead into a very strict paleo eating plan certainly moved the needle, […]
Two VERY Big Things
Last month, I did something I never thought I would be able to do at this stage in my life. I put on my high school cheerleading skirt! Did you see the pic?? Now, I’m not saying I was able to zip it all the way up, but I pulled it right on up over […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Cuckoo for coconut water
Like most Paleoistas, I’m nuts about coconuts. Coconuts are relied on quite heavily for those of us following a Paleo lifestyle. I cook with coconut oil, I drink coconut milk and I add coconut water to my daily smoothie. Coconut water is the liquid you find inside a coconut. The water of the coconut contains […]