Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Health
Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Health There are several types of vinegar and one of the most common and popular is made from apples. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made from a process that includes adding yeast to apple cider to ferment it. The yeast ferments the sugars in the apple juice and turns them […]
Do You Have a Hydration Station?
Do You Have a Hydration Station? Hydrating and just drinking water are not necessarily the same thing. There’s an objective to all that water, bone broth, and whatever else you’re drinking–and that is to hydrate your body at the cellular level. Once upon a time, it used to be all about drinking enough water till […]
Bergamot–The Secret Ingredient In Wise Women’s Tea
So What Is Bergamot? The bergamot orange (Citrus bergamia), is a fragrant citrus fruit the size of an orange, with a yellow or green color similar to a lime, depending on ripeness. The origin of this fruit is believed to be the result of combining lemon and bitter orange. There are also herbs called bergamot […]
Rebounding – Bounce Into Health
Rebounding! It’s not just for basketball players. Let’s just begin by stating that if you do not already have a rebounder, you should get one ASAP. After looking at all the health benefits gained by bouncing up and down on a mini-trampoline it is hard to imagine a better all-around exercise that is easy, fun, […]
What’s the Skinny on CLA?
What’s the Skinny on CLA? Is CLA a weight loss miracle pill? Theories and postulations abound–fortunately, there’s some research too. One theory says that it modulates fat metabolism, which helps your body use food for energy. Another thought is that it causes fat and weight loss because it boosts the body’s metabolism by increasing your […]
Tip, Trick & a Recipe: Kale Chips
There is a topic that keeps coming across my radar, both on Facebook, my email inbox, and even at the market when my fellow shoppers wonder what I’m doing with all of that kale (when my own crop has been harvested for the season, of course!): kale chips. And, today, we’re going to talk kale […]
Raise the Barre for Weight Loss
Before I even start with today’s blog post, thank you to each and every one of you who has commented on my new silhouette. It has taken lots of work, but I feel wonderful. Your compliments and words of encouragement really do mean a great deal to me. And because you’ve asked, I want to […]
New Year’s Revolution
Dear Friends, Every year, we make New Year’s resolutions with the hopes that THIS year will be different. We are zealots on a mission to become thinner, more organized, and more financially successful, among other things. But stop and think for a moment. Who makes these New Year’s resolutions, anyway? Yes indeed, it’s perfectionism is […]
Weight Loss Plans Succeed With Community Support
Dieting is easy. Well, let’s reword that; dieting is simple–just follow a plan. And therein lies the challenge–the following part. Because to be successful, as in success that lasts, that’s harder. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention approximately one-third of U.S. adults are obese and obesity can raise the risk of many […]