GlycoZyme For The WIN! Digestion On POINT

Whenever you sit down for a lovely meal it’s wonderful to be able to enjoy the whole experience–the beautiful plate, the smell of the tasty dish, eating this delightful meal, and of course, the conversation you enjoy with your family. 

Your body however goes into work mode–it’s time to digest!  

There’s a lot that goes into the digestive process to break down your food into substances it can then convert and use for fuel and ultimately, eliminate.  

The digestive process begins as soon as that food passes your lips into your mouth. Chewing starts breaking down food physically, combined with your saliva that contains digestive enzymes to help break it down chemically.

What Are Enzymes?

Enzymes are the catalysts that break down the food’s molecules like proteins, carbs, and fats into smaller molecules that can be absorbed.  The process is similar to detergents that advertise their enzymes that break down dirt and stains to get your clothes clean.  

They act like a hammer, smashing things into smaller pieces that are easier to manage.

There Are Three Main Enzymes

  1. Amylases – break down carbohydrates into simple sugars
  2. Lipases – break down fats into fatty acids plus a glycerol molecule
  3. Proteases – break down protein into amino acids and small peptides

To The Stomach!

After the initial decomposition of your food by chewing, the stomach receives the food. At this point, it is broken down further so that it can be passed to the small intestine. This is where more enzymes break it down into molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream where they provide energy for growth and repair.

Next Up, The Small Intestine!

In addition to the 3 main digestive enzymes, the small intestine also produces enzymes known as lactase, maltase, and sucrase, which further break down the food to be absorbed through the walls of the intestines.  

Poor Digestion Equals Not Enough Enzymes

Sometimes food cannot be digested properly because the body cannot make enough enzymes, which can lead to digestive disorders like lactose intolerance, upset stomach, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, joint pain, and/or skin breakouts.  

Some of the foods that can assist in digestion include natural foods like honey, bananas, and avocados.  Several tropical fruits are also quite helpful, like pineapple, papaya, and mango.  Other types of foods that help digestion are fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso.  Ginger is another option and is available in different forms.

But the biggest needle mover to help with poor digestion is taking a digestive enzyme supplement. 

Poor Digestion Also Equals Poor Nutrient Absorption

The main purpose of eating and consequently digestion is to provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to function properly and heal.  

If your digestive system is not operating properly you are not getting the nutrients you need and other adverse effects include premature aging and poor blood sugar or insulin resistance.  

My Favorite Digestive Enzyme Supplement

To help you get your digestive tract in balance and working optimally, GlycoZyme is a combination of various enzymes that will supplement your natural enzyme production by providing you with a proprietary combination of the following enzymes:

  • Amylase – help break down carbs so that they are easily absorbed by the body
  • Protease – can improve digestion, decrease inflammation, ease arthritis pain, and possibly reduce symptoms related to IBS.
  • Lipase –  used for indigestion, heartburn, allergy to gluten in wheat products (celiac disease), Crohn’s disease, and cystic fibrosis.
  • Lactase – helps to digest lactose (dairy sugars)

Additional enzymes from:

  • Bitter Melon – for diabetes*, stomach, and intestinal problems
  • Licorice Root Extract – to speed the repair of the stomach lining, soothe gastrointestinal problems
  • Cinnamon – lower blood sugar levels and reduce heart disease risk
  • Gymnema Sylvestis – improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduces heart disease risk, reduces sugar cravings and may influence fat absorption and lipid levels
  • Banaba – for diabetes and weight loss.

A recent study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology compared the effectiveness of bitter melon with a current diabetes drug. The study concluded that bitter melon did reduce fructosamine levels with type 2 diabetes participants. Do check with your doctor before using any supplement. 

In combination with a healthy diet, GlycoZyme is formulated to supplement your digestion to make sure you are getting all the enzymes and nutrients you can use for a digestive system that operates optimally, so you can feed, grow, and repair your body.


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